Monday, February 1, 2010

Friday Adventures- Part Deux

Wyatt must have read my post about getting him ready for his class at the Y and decided to up the ante. The following is the conversation that Wyatt and I had on Friday morning:

"Wyatt, my love, lets change your diaper and get ready to go to school."
"You silly woman. There is no way I am putting on that diaper."
"Sweetie, we have to wear our diaper to class."
"I will not."
"Come on, sweetheart. It will only take a minute."
"Don't touch me."
"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME. You're too slow!! HAHA. (maniacal laughter) I am going to run away now and be as difficult as humanly possible."
"OK, thats not funny."
"HAHAHA." (More maniacal laughter...)
"Wyatt. If you don't put on your diaper we can't go to class."
"Woman, thats your idea of an ultimatum?!?!? If you put that diaper on me I will only eat jello from a toothpick for a MONTH. Or better yet I will only eat pickles cut up to the size of my pinkie nail. That will get you stinky, messy shits for at least 2 weeks. Now thats an ultimatum!!"
"Did you just say shit, young man?"
"Woman, don't test me."
"Really?!? Is this REALLY happening??"
"I am not above biting."
"Wyatt, we cannot do this today!"
"HAHAHAHA. Are YOU smarter then a 2 year old??"
"FINE!! FINE!!! Don't wear a diaper!! See if I care?"
"Ohh, Momma, I love you!! Can I pick out my big boy underwear, please? Thank you, Mom. You are the best mom in the world!!"

I am sure you can infer the rest but I am going to tell it anyway. After Wy refused his diaper, I was in a little bit of a teaching dilemma. We are beginning to potty train but I feel like he always does better when it is HIS choice to have a potty training day. I ask him at his diaper change (usually when I know that were not going to be leaving the house) if he would like to wear his "Big boy underwear" which means he has to use to potty. If he says yes, its all systems go. I remind him every 3o mins or so and he has had very few accidents. If he says no, he gets a diaper. And then there are days like Friday when he makes the choice for me. Do I force him into a diaper and state that I don't trust him? Or do I let his choice stand and brace for the consequences? I wanted so much to have faith that he could make it but I knew that he was going to get distracted and forget.

We make it to class, without a golden shower, I ask him if he wants to visit the bathroom and he tells me "no, no" shaking his head and runs to play. I literally stalked him. Then, just after he goes down the slide, he gives me the face. The brief pause and slight cock of his head, invisible to the untrained eye, but for me the clock had started ticking. I race over, scoop him up, as he whispers in my ear "Pee-pees in diaper." No, my love, there is no diaper. Wyatt managed to get his pants, underwear, socks, and shoes and also sprinkled on my pants and my cardigan. Thankfully for him, I had a spare set of clothes in anticipation. For myself, not so much. So, yes, I went back to class covered in pee. It dried. I probably smelled. Whatever. Then his teacher gives him a "Special Sticker" for going pee on the potty (or Mommy, I'm not quite sure). It least it went well for him.

And so begins our adventure of roaming outside the house with big boy underwear.

1 comment:

Kt said...

Oh the joys of motherhood I have to look forward to! :)