Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Outlaws

"It not trespassing if there's a child involved"
"Yes, it is Mom"
"No, Kate. Don't you want your son to have fun?"
"I really hope there is some kind of bulldozer alarm and when you open the door its going to go off and you're going to feel really stupid. Maybe it will spray some paint on you or something. Then the town will have to get involved and I'll have to bail you out of our one jail cell. I'll tell the papers you have been corrupting my child for YEARS. Years."
"Can you stop bitching and help us climb up here?"
"I am only here to take pictures. I am no accomplice. Good luck!"


Gammy Pammy said...

I will do anything for my grandson, I repeat anything! Just be glad he didn't want to drive a steamroller. I am a slave to that smile and look of wonderment. You should have seen when I let him drive the dumptruck.

Anonymous said...

beautiful new photo of the creek up top, katie. -pelagia