Tuesday, February 9, 2010

24 Months - The Big 2

My Darling,

We've made it!! Two whole years on this planet and I haven't forgotten to feed you once!!
We're both still alive and kicking; surviving and thriving. I've cut your fingernails, wiped your butt, picked your nose, mopped up your pee, and have been sprayed by your bloody nose. I have watched you run, helped you share, witnessed your curly baby locks fall to the floor. I've been covered in your vomit, sung to you until you fell asleep, and have filled our home with countless trucks. I've coaxed smiles, kissed boo-boos, and tickled you until you couldn't breathe. I've wiped your tears, cut up your food, and have read your favorite book a million and seven times. We did it, Wyatt. We did it together. You're 2, TWO!!

I know that this should be your monthly letter, just like any other. Another page flip of the calendar as time marches on. I know you (or I) won't feel any different on Feb. 10th then we do today. I should write about how you tell me "Ok, sweetie"; something I say to you all the time. Or how you got put in a headlock at the Y and were entirely confused because it was your first experience with anger. Or how your imagination has exploded over night. And yet we have hit another milestone and I can feel myself fighting off the sentimentality. You have been a part of my world for two years. How is that possible; that another year has past? It feels like yesterday that I was staying up all night with you during midnight feedings. But then you have been so woven into my heart, into the fabric that makes up who I am; it feels like you have been there the entire time hidden just under the surface waiting for February 9th, 2008 to make your fabulous appearance and make sense of me.

I find it utterly impossible that you have taught me so much during your short time being my son. You have taught me to be compassionate toward myself and embrace my flaws because they make me who I am. You've taught me how to enjoy the little moments and to slow down to find them. How to look at every cloud in the sky, or blade of grass, or tiny ant with promise and a sense of adventure. You have taught me to dust off my imagination and start creating. How to see the world with all doors open and possibilities endless. You have taught me how to love unconditionally.

I kiss you and tell you I love you every night. And usually several times during the day. But simply saying "I love you" does nothing to capture the feeling that I have for you in my heart. I don't just love you. Its something much more then that. I am sure that I can look back through the history of all time and still never find the word that would describe how I feel about you. And just when I think that I couldn't possibly love you any more, I do. Just when I think my heart is going to explode from sheer joy, it gets bigger to hold more love, joy, and hope for you. It is nothing I have ever experienced before and something that I think is only found by having a child. I will never grow tired of loving you.

We got a book out at the library the other day that I think sums it up pretty nicely:
I love you through and through. I love your top side, I love your bottom side. I love your inside and outside. I love your happy side, your sad side, your silly side, your mad side. I love your fingers and toes, your ears and nose. I love you hair and eyes, your giggles and cries. I love you running and walking, silent and talking. I love you through and through...yesterday, today and tomorrow, too.

OK, I'm done.

I love you, everyday.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to an adorable grandson!!!!
Grams and Poppa T

Gammy Pammy said...

Dear Wyatt, I know birthdays are about giving gifts, but let me tell you about a gift you give me every day. Every night after dinner Momma takes you into the bath where I can easily overhear the two of you laughing, chatting and playing. While you are in the bathroom I clean up your toys in the den and then finally sit on the couch waiting for you to finish up. The routine continues with you sneaking out of the bathroom and finding me. You climb up on my lap all clean and new and we snuggle in to watch yet another episode of the backyardigans. The days stress melts away and I love on you until momma convinces you to come read books. It is my most favorite time of day, one I look forward to all day and is over too fast. So thank you birthday boy for melting my heart on such a regular basis. I love and adore you and wish you the happiest of birthdays.

Anonymous said...

Dear Big Boy Wyatt,
I can't believe you're two! Sometimes though, you seem wise beyond your 2 years. You are such a chatter box and show such enjoyment and concern. You are a natural born actor! I have enjoyed your Momma's blog about you, since before you were born. You have been so loved ever since we knew of you. What a special boy you are. You will always have my heart as the first "child of a child" and the first of the cousins, with many more to come. You will always be the leader! I know youre up to the challenge.
Love to you and your Momma, you are a great team! Happy Birthday