Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bessie and Clara Bell

If the first hurdle of motherhood was having a non-medicated vaginal birth and second was breast feeding. It has been quite a learning experience for both of us. Everyone told me that the first week is the hardest; it gets easier, and stick with it. Well, it has been almost 11 days and it is still pretty tricky. However, it is oddly comforting for me. A feeling I never imagined or expected.

My milk came in the day after we came home from the hospital. I woke up with my boobs heavy like bowling balls. We sat down in our glider chair ready to try this whole milk thing out. My boob started dripping all over the place. We got into position and he gently put his hand up to me and a stream of milk shot him in the face. Seriously. There was milk everywhere. All down my shirt, in his face, all folded in his neck, everywhere. That is pretty much our routine although I am getting better at not getting it all over myself. Wyatt, not so much, he is a mess every time. I am proud of us though. He is catching on like a pro, I haven't given him any formula, and at his last dr's appointment he was almost 9 lbs. Thriving.

I am still getting used to whipping them out in public. Well, not public, but around my family, Terry, and his family. Most of the time I don't mind. I am feeding my son, sustaining a life. There is nothing embarrassing about that but sometimes it's slightly awkward. For the most part though, I really enjoy breast feeding. It is 20 minutes every 2 hours that I get to spend with my son, uninterrupted bonding time. I sing to him, talk to him, sometimes just sit and stare. Even at 3 in the morning I enjoy it, despite sore nipples, leaky breasts, and 25 lbs in my bra. I think we will stick with it. Its got to get easier.


4thFloorNYC said...

I totally just spent the last two hours reading every single post - what an amazing event, and such a beautiful boy!!! Congrats a thousand times!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how many people have come along on the journey and are as mesmerized as the rest of us what a wonderful inspiring story that is your life. love you and the Bean. auntie de.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Katie.'s just so special to read about your sore nipples.

Anonymous said...

let me guess, the left one is bessie and the right is clara bell?

Anonymous said...

love the pictures they're adorable! love Auntie De

Anonymous said...

I hope Wyatts stuffy nose is better! Kisses to my sweet great nephew bean.

Jennifer said...

Breastfeeding hurt SO much in the beginning. I was NOT prepared for that!! When the girls would latch on I would scream out curses and question why I was even doing this. Pumping was even worse. I did get a lot better, it really did, after about two weeks. And then, when latch on happened and the milk was flowing, I would experience that split second sense of euphoria that the books say sometimes happen. That alone made all the pain worth it!