Thursday, March 6, 2008

Purple = Angry

First I have to apologize for the uncouth tangent my blog has taken as of late. My whole world has morphed into this land of spit up, poop, and all sorts of other bodily functions (mine and his). It is all I can focus on. I try to use my words but I still end up muttering crap, penis, or projectile vomiting. My main concerns in life have changed from happy hours to how many times has Wyatt peed today. Its very disconcerting. But bare with me it should get better and more interesting.

If I thought I was a hypochondriac when I was pregnant it is nothing compared to how I am now. Everyone laughs that Wyatt is going to be a Google baby. No joke, I Google some symptom that he is having everyday. From nail trimming, to baby acne, to excessive grunting, to startle reflexes. I have two baby books on the first year and I look at them constantly. They live on my nightstand so I can refer to them in the middle of the night. As if that isn't enough, I spent a good hour in Borders sitting in the baby aisle reading while Mrs. T was with Wyatt. I honestly have no clue what to expect and nothing is normal for me.

Mom believes that you can read poop like a mood ring. She thinks that you can diagnosis symptoms by poop color and consistency. Now, I understand diagnosing constipation but she thinks you can do anything. Oh, its green that means he is content but gassy. Seedy means he likes sleeping on his left side. I kid you not. I believe whole heartily in my mothers parenting and doctoral skills but for this I am going to rely on my books, Google, and my pediatrician. I think my sources are a little more concrete than mood poop.


Anonymous said...

Where do you think I learned about mood poop anyway? Books, google and pediatricians! Such a whippersnapper you are.....just wait you'll soon be able to read the poop just like a good novel, all mysteries are revealed in the diaper.

Anonymous said...

Hope the little bean is doing better, although I think his vomiting is totally normal. It's more upsetting for you than him. You're doing a great job, never doubt that. It's just part of a baby's limited repertoire! They learn new tricks all the time. Hope to see you both over the weekend. Remember I'm just a phone call away if you need a break or a nap! Love, Auntie De