Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Place Between Sheer Glee and Sheer Panic

One of my best friends from 3.
The Playgroup at St. John's is a weird enigma of a place for me.  Wyatt LOVES it there but sometimes I think that he would love school anywhere.  He is a very social person.  A kid that wants to play all the time and has an elaborate imagination that only other kids can follow.  But for me, I can't really shake the assumption that I am the hired help.  I work there.  So, while the other parents are caught up talking and making connections with each other, I am talking to the teachers about whichever new problem has arose.  It has made it hard for me to make connections and establish some kind of social circle for Wyatt.  I know he's only 3 (!!) but some of my best friends were made at 3.  After making my bold New Years resolution, I decided to just go for it.

Wyatt has several boys that he speaks of fairly often from school (and one girl, Davis.  It might be love.  Or it might be because she has got that devilish twinkle in her eye and gets scolded a lot).  So, I sought out Chases' mom and asked to get the boys together.  When she said yes and to come over to their house after class, I had two distinct reactions.  Sheer glee and sheer panic.  I was so excited for Wyatt and just mildly terrified that I was going to muck up some play-date protocol that I am utterly unfamiliar with.  Do I just drop him off?  Do I stay?  Do I pack snacks?  Of course, Wyatt has had friends over but these are friends that I am also friends with, no panic involved.  Actually, it is a lot of fun because I get girl catch-up time while Wy plays.  But I don't know Chases' mom.
Wyatt's other friend William

So, we go over to Chases' house and I am asked to take off our shoes.  So I decided we were staying.  Within 3 minutes Wyatt and Chase are upstairs playing and Valerie, her 8 month old daughter, and I are chatting happily in the kitchen.  At one point Chase ran downstairs without pants on and she explained that they were potty training.  Nothing breaks the ice more then a naked 3 year old. I think I might have had just as much fun as Wyatt.  The boys got along great and after 3 hours Wyatt still didn't want to leave.  And dare I say, that I got a new friend as well?!  Wyatt loved the play-date so much that he asks to go over Chases' house and eat french fries for lunch all the time.  Whenever he doesn't want to do something, he says he is going over Chases' house.  Unfortunately, the next time we planned on getting together (with Peter and Peters' mom at the library... a triple date!!) Wyatt got sick and we couldn't go.  I have to admit, I am looking forward to our next play-date.  I think Wyatt is too!

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