Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vitals - Part 4

Wy had his one year check up on Feb 12th.  I have been meaning to write about it for a while but alas time has alluded me.  He weighed in at 24.9 lbs and I totally forget how long.  He was in the 90th percentile for height and 70th for weight.  I guess what that means is he's tall and kinda chubby, which is totally fine by me.  I find it adorable how his belly hangs out over the top of his pants.  There are relatively few times that beer bellies are acceptable.  This just happens to be one of them.

He has 4 top teeth and 3 bottom teeth.   He bit me the other day and I definitely felt something all the way in the back on the top.  I told the doctor and she didn't believe me.  I reiterated that I really thought he has a molar.  Still she didn't believe me.  She actually said "No way."  Then once she checked it out for herself goes "Oh, he does have a molar."  Yeah, I told you.  Evidently, he is very young for molars.  He popped his top molar and similar to his other teeth about a week later popped a bottom molar on the same side.

Lizzy was with us at his appointment because she had an appointment as well.  They took us in together.  Lizzy has often made jokes that Wyatt has giantitis because he happens to be bigger then most kids his age.  I saw a priceless opportunity with Lizzy and Dr. Marie in the same room.  She was giving me his weight update and I said "So, he doesn't have giantitis, right?"  Lizzy shot me her classic stink eye.  Dr. Marie was slightly confused asking why I would think that and of course he doesn't.  I told her that Lizzy thought he had the excessive growth disease.  Thats when she looked right at Lizzy and said "No.  Sorry.  He is perfectly normal."  Take that Lizzy!!  He is perfect and she also added that he has a great disposition.  Practically Perfect in every way is what I always say. 

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