Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas was everything I expected it to be and more.  My family was definitely more excited about the holiday then Wyatt but our excitement was contagious.  By Christmas morning Wyatt was all riled up and ready to roll in wrapping paper.  He did very well opening presents, playing with the paper more then any of his toys but totally grasping the concept of there is something fun in the paper.  He still has about 4 presents left under the tree.  Why overwhelm him, right?  We can have Christmas all week long.  I definitely went overboard and bought way too much but that is what first Christmas's are all about.

I had to work all day Christmas Eve.  Seeing that I now work for a church its kind of a busy holiday.  The family met me at 6 for the service.  Wyatt was very well behaved and most of the people around us complimented him on his cuteness and loved that he clapped when the choir sang.  I had a mandatory stash of cherrios and he would take one for himself then give one to Auntie B, then me, then would reach into the pew behind us.  He is a good sharer for an only child.  It was really very cute.  I took him up to Communion (he doesn't receive just gets blessed) which always gets me a bit teary eyed.  Father Michael and Father Simon, aka my new bosses, gave him the nicest Christmas blessing.  Then I proceeded to choke back tears for the next 10 minutes. 

My favorite Christmas present did not come in the traditional wrapping paper and bow.  My little munchkin started saying "Mama".  If I leave the room he runs after me shouting "Mum Mum".  When I walk to his crib after his nap that is the first thing he says when he sees me.  It is the most amazing thing, melting my heart every time.  He also has been saying it to Gammy which is not surprising because I call her Mom.  His vocabulary has really started to develop and all of a sudden.  I can't wait to see what word he come up with next.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mum mum, What a great present from your great present! Merry Merry Christmas. love, Auntie De

Anonymous said...

I already feel Wyatt will not know who I am when we return .
Your blog is great for me but wyatt will forget me . Show him a picture of me often .Keep up the good work Happy New Year
Love Nana

Anonymous said...

We were all so excited about this Christmas. We were blessed with Wyatt, the joy of so many. We were also blessed with Wyatt's daddy coming home safe and sound to share in his first Christmas. The pictures of daddy in uniform and Wyatt playing with his medals was so heartwarming.Isn't it wonderful that Wyatt's first two words which are the most important was da da and ma ma. Love to you, our precious angel.
Grams and Poppa T